Hi there / 안녕.

I'm Chaeeun (채은).

( Multidisciplinary Researcher + Designer Based in WashingTon DC / I research people and HELP design stuff for them. ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ )

Excited about

✦ UX Researcher @ ServiceNow
✦ Mentoring design fellows for Coding It Forward's 2024 Civic Digital Fellowship (I was a fellow in 2020!)
✦ Volunteering as a poll worker :)
‍✦ Learning German
✦ Product Designer @ CNN
✦ Researcher @ GT Technologies + International Development (TID) Lab
✦ UX Research Intern @ ServiceNow
✦ UX Research Intern @ CNN
✦ Voter Access @ ACLU of GA
✦ Civic Digital Fellow @ NIH
✦ Product Design Intern @ CNN, Intel, The Home Depot
✦ UX Designer @ BestFit
✦ Product Design @ Develop For Good + Social Income
✦ Director of Design at Hack4Impact and Bits of Good

CNN Elections

UX Research to support elections programming during the 2022 Midterms.

ServiceNow Store

Discovery UX research around the fast-growing ServiceNow store and it's growing pains.


A healthcare app to bridge the communication gap between provider and patient.


A shouting tug-of-war game to release all your stress! For the HackGT Horizons hackathon 2020.

Carbon Collector

An early attempt at digital green governance.


Poetic technology


Technological exploration into biometric convenience.


A bag that keeps track of your everyday essentials.

"We're Not in That Circle of Misinformation": Understanding Community-Based Trusted Messengers Through Cultural Code-Switching

CSCW (Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing) 2024, The Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Academic Research, Paper, Cultural Code-switching, Health Misinformation, Community Health, Public Health, Social Computing

A Covid Social Media Monitoring and Outreach Dashboard For Community-Based Trusted Messengers

Presented at ICWSM 2022 - International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats
Academic Research, Paper, Health Misinformation, Public Health, Social Computing

Denizen: Designing an Interactive Experience for Local Elections Information to Increase Civic Participation Amongst Young Adults

Master's Thesis - Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023
Academic Research, Paper, Thesis, Civic Participation, Educational Gaming, Local Elections, Civic Media

How I Learned to Enjoy Design Again

Medium Article, 2020
5 Minute Read, Reflections, Personal Essay, Design